Corporate Menopause Group Consultations

At Willow, we collaborate with businesses to help support a healthy, happy workforce. 

How does the Menopause affect work performance?

The perimenopause (time around the menopause) can last up to 10 years before periods stop, and menopause symptoms can continue for many years following.

The most commonly reported difficulties menopausal women report at work include having poor concentrationtirednesspoor memoryfeeling low/depressed and lowered confidence. 

Problematic hot flushes at work have also been linked to women having a higher intention to leave the workforce

Image by: Willow Health

Together we can help support your employees

We come to you! With our group consultations, we bring our specialist expertise directly to your employees that need it most. Whether your a small local business or a large corporate company, we come up with a bespoke service for your needs. 

Corporate Group Consultation leaflet

Have a read through our leaflet for more information and examples of our group consultation options

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