Group Consultations

Group consultations allow for specialist menopause care in a small group setting. They are proven to be very effective and well received by patients. Group consultations can still deliver personalised care, by using shared decision making, supporting self-management, prescribing, as well as developing a peer support group.

What does a Group Consultation involve?

We create groups of 4-5 people who are keen to discuss the perimenopause or menopause. The group comes together to meet at a set time with our BMS menopause specialist, just like any other consultation.

Our group consultations typically last for 60-90 minutes, longer than an individual 1 to 1 consultation, allowing for more time with the specialist and more discussion.

The ability to share each patient’s experience in a supportive group setting, creates a boost in motivation for behaviour change. 

Get answers to the questions you never knew you had!

Why patients like group consultations

Why Willow loves group consultations...

We can deliver high-quality specialist care more efficiently, and help make specialist care more accessible for all. 

Perimenopause & HRT

We cover all aspects of the perimenopause, symptoms, lifestyle advice, the benefits and risk of HRT, different types of HRT and how it all works. 

We will send out a screening questionnaire prior to booking to ensure you are suitable for a group consultation.

Price - £75 (including prescription fee)

Upcoming dates

Saturday 25th May - 10am

Testosterone Replacement

We cover all aspect of lack of libido, sexual function and testosterone replacement.

This is for women who are already on HRT with higher doses of oestrogen. We will send out a screening questionnaire prior to booking to ensure you are suitable for a group consultation.

Price - £75 (including prescription fee)

Upcoming dates

June date to be confirmed

Upcoming Groups

We will be adding some specific topics such as Migraine & Menopause, Menopause & Weight Management, Sex & Menopause etc, in the near future. Please register your details below and we will keep you up to date with the launch dates. 

Register your interest